Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Optical tuning of copolymer-in-oil tissue-mimicking materials for multispectral photoacoustic imaging
Azin Khodaverdi, Magnus Cinthio, Esbjörn Reistad, Tobias Erlöv, Malin Malmsjö, et al.
(2024) Biomedical Physics Engineering Express, 10
Artikel i tidskriftDeveloping ultrasound optical tomography for deep tissue imaging of the breast
E. Bukartė, A. Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė, M. Ruchkina, A. Kinos, N. Reistad, et al.
(2024) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 13174
KonferensbidragBreast cancer diagnosis using extended-wavelength diffuse reflectance spectroscopy : comparing tumor subgroups
N. Chaudhry, A. Kinos, M. Ruchkina, A. Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė, E. Bukartė, et al.
(2024) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 13174
KonferensbidragAdvancing breast tissue imaging with an ultrasound optical tomography (UOT) approach
Maria Ruchkina, Akvile Zabiliute-Karaliune, Egle Bukarte, Adam Kinos, David Hill, et al.
(2024) Tissue Optics and Photonics III : PROCEEDINGS VOLUME 13010 SPIE PHOTONICS EUROPE | 7-12 APRIL 2024, 13010 p.1301006-1301006
KonferensbidragTwo-layer reconstruction of Raman spectra in diffusive media based on an analytical model in the time domain
Stefan Susnjar, Fabrizio Martelli, Sara Mosca, Sanathana Konugolu Venkata Sekar, Johannes Swartling, et al.
(2023) Optics Express, 31 p.40573-40591
Artikel i tidskriftReconstruction of Raman spectra of two-layer diffusive media: model-based approach in time-domain
Stefan Susnjar, Fabrizio Martelli, Johannes Swartling, Nina Reistad, Antonio Pifferi
(2023) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12628 p.1-126280
KonferensbidragRemote Nanoscopy with Infrared Elastic Hyperspectral Lidar
Lauro Müller, Meng Li, Hampus Månefjord, Jacobo Salvador, Nina Reistad, et al.
(2023) Advanced Science, 10
Artikel i tidskriftBreast Cancer Diagnosis Using Extended-Wavelength–Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (EW-DRS) : Proof of Concept in Ex Vivo Breast Specimens Using Machine Learning
Nadia Chaudhry, John Albinsson, Magnus Cinthio, Stefan Kröll, Malin Malmsjö, et al.
(2023) Diagnostics, 13 p.1-12
Artikel i tidskriftThe feasibility of using center frequency spectra in photoacoustic imaging for tissue characterization
Azin Khodaverdi, Malin Larsson, Klara Wahldén, John Albinsson, Malin Malmsjö, et al.
(2023) IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS
KonferensbidragA biophotonic platform for quantitative analysis in the spatial, spectral, polarimetric, and goniometric domains
Hampus Månefjord, Meng Li, Christian Brackmann, Nina Reistad, Anna Runemark, et al.
(2022) Review of Scientific Instruments, 93
Artikel i tidskriftThe jerk and the vertical fall of a shuttlecock
Nina Reistad
(2022) European Journal of Physics, 43
Artikel i tidskriftDistinguishing tumor from healthy tissue in human liver ex vivo using machine learning and multivariate analysis of diffuse reflectance spectra
Nina Reistad, Christian Sturesson
(2022) Journal of Biophotonics, 15
Artikel i tidskriftHyperspectral and Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging for Monitoring the Effect of Epinephrine in Local Anesthetics in Oculoplastic Surgery
Josefine Bunke, Aboma Merdasa, Magne Stridh, Pernilla Rosenquist, Johanna Berggren, et al.
(2022) Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 38 p.462-468
Artikel i tidskriftPhotoacoustic imaging for the monitoring of local changes in oxygen saturation following an adrenaline injection in human forearm skin
Josefine Bunke, Aboma Merdasa, Rafi Sheikh, John Albinsson, Tobias Erlöv, et al.
(2021) Biomedical Optics Express, 12 p.4084-4096
Artikel i tidskriftPhotoacoustic imaging of the spatial distribution of oxygen saturation in an ischemia-reperfusion model in humans
Aboma Merdasa, Josefine Bunke, Magdalena Naumovska, John Albinsson, Tobias Erlöv, et al.
(2021) Biomedical Optics Express, 12 p.2484-2495
Artikel i tidskriftAutomatic threshold selection algorithm to distinguish a tissue chromophore from the background in photoacoustic imaging
Azin Khodaverdi, Tobias Erlöv, Jenny Hult, Nina Reistad, Agnes Pekar-Lukacs, et al.
(2021) Biomedical Optics Express, 12 p.3836-3850
Artikel i tidskriftBIOSPACE – A low-cost platform for problem- based learning in biophotonics
Hampus Månefjord, Meng Li, Christian Brackmann, Nina Reistad, Aboma Merdasa, et al.
(2021) 11:e Pedagogiska inspirationskonferensen
KonferensbidragGymnasiets laborationsundervisning i fysik – Vad påverkar lärares val av laborationer?
Simon Holmström, Ann Marie Pendrill, Urban Eriksson, Nina Reistad
(2019) LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 7 p.27-58
Artikel i tidskriftExtended-wavelength diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for a comprehensive view of blood perfusion and tissue response in human forearm skin
Josefine Bunke, Rafi Sheikh, Nina Reistad, Malin Malmsjö
(2019) Microvascular Research, 124 p.1-5
Artikel i tidskriftClinical translation of a novel photoacoustic imaging system for examining the temporal artery
Rafi Sheikh, Magnus Cinthio, Ulf Dahlstrand, Tobias Erlov, Magdalena Naumovska, et al.
(2019) IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 66 p.472-480
Artikel i tidskriftHypoperfusion following the injection of epinephrine in human forearm skin can be measured by RGB analysis but not with laser speckle contrast imaging
Rafi Sheikh, Josefine Bunke, Linda Thorisdottir, Jenny Hult, Kajsa Tenland, et al.
(2019) Microvascular Research, 121 p.7-13
Artikel i tidskriftIntraoperative liver steatosis characterization using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
Nina Reistad, Jan Nilsson, Magnus Bergenfeldt, Pehr Rissler, Christian Sturesson
(2019) HPB, 21 p.175-180
Artikel i tidskriftExtended-wavelength diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with a machine-learning method for in vivo tissue classification
Ulf Dahlstrand, Rafi Sheikh, Cu Dybelius Ansson, Khashayar Memarzadeh, Nina Reistad, et al.
(2019) PLoS ONE, 14
Artikel i tidskriftCharacterization and modeling of acousto-optic signal strengths in highly scattering media
Alexander Bengtsson, David Hill, Meng Li, Mengqiao Di, Magnus Cinthio, et al.
(2019) Biomedical Optics Express, 10 p.5565-5584
Artikel i tidskriftGymnasiets laboratorionsundervisning i fysik–mellan tradition och ändrade styrdokument: Laboratory work in upper secondary physics teaching–between tradition and curriculum reform
Simon Johan Erland Holmström, Urban Eriksson, Nina Reistad, Ann-Marie Pendrill
(2018) LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 6 p.1-21
Artikel i tidskriftOptimal Epinephrine Concentration and Time Delay to Minimize Perfusion in Eyelid Surgery : Measured by Laser-Based Methods and a Novel Form of Extended-Wavelength Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy
Rafi Sheikh, Ulf Dahlstrand, Khashayar Memarzadeh, Jonas Blohmé, Nina Reistad, et al.
(2018) Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 34 p.123-129
Artikel i tidskriftIdentification of tumor margins using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with an extended-wavelength spectrum in a porcine model
U Dahlstrand, R Sheikh, C D Nguyen, J Hult, N Reistad, et al.
(2018) Skin Research and Technology, 24 p.667-671
Artikel i tidskriftBeyond velocity and acceleration : Jerk, snap and higher derivatives
David Eager, Ann Marie Pendrill, Nina Reistad
(2016) European Journal of Physics, 37
Artikel i tidskriftDiffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy for Surface Measurement of Liver Pathology
JAN NILSSON, Nina Reistad, Hannes Brange, Carl-Fredrik Öberg, Christian Sturesson
(2016) European Surgical Research, 58 p.40-50
Artikel i tidskriftDiffuse reflectance spectroscopy of liver tissue
Nina Reistad, Jan Nilsson, Oskar Vilhelmsson Timmermand, Christian Sturesson, Stefan Andersson-Engels
(2015) [Host publication title missing], 9531 p.95314-95314
KonferensbidragCharacterization of probe contact effects on diffuse reflectance spectroscopy measurements
Nina Reistad, Mallory Mayjonade, Aylin Ahadi, Stefan Andersson-Engels
(2015) BioPhotonics South America (SPIE Proceedings), 9531 p.953143-953143
KonferensbidragThe Library Treasure Hunt: Reach for the Stars. Introducing First Year Students to the Landscape of Scientific Information
Carina Enestarre, Eva Jurlander, Cajsa Andersson, Kristina Holmin, Nina Reistad
(2015) ASP Conference Series, 492 p.248-253
KonferensbidragSimulation and biomechanical characterization of indentation on human skin
Mallory Mayjonade, Nina Reistad, Aylin Ahadi
KonferensbidragA library treasure hunt: An alternative way to introduce new university students to the library
Kristina Holmin, Cajsa Andersson, Nina Reistad
(2013) Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 5
Konferensbidrag: abstractLecturers, librarians and students in collaboration – A way of achieving complex educational goals in information literacy in three programmes at Lund University
Cajsa Andersson, Nina Reistad, Kristina Holmin
(2013) Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 5
Konferensbidrag: abstractHur vänder man en kurs? Betraktelser över grundkursen i mekanik för industriell ekonomi våren 2012- kvalitativa och kvantitativa observationer från CEQ-utvärderingen
Aylin Ahadi, Solveig Melin, Nina Reistad
(2012) LTHs 7:e Pedagogiska Inspirationskonferens
KonferensbidragHållbar utveckling, strategier på program- och kursnivå
Michaël Grimsberg, Nina Reistad
(2008) [Host publication title missing]
KonferensbidragEducational learning outcomes and expected professional competence in engineering education
Piotr Szybek, Nina Reistad
KonferensbidragEn utmaning: informationskompetens i utbildningen
Åsa Forsberg, Nina Reistad
(2005) Från centralbibliotek till nätverk: Lunds universitetsbibliotek , p.65-70
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDialogens väg – muntlig examination med många (~100) deltagare.
Nina Reistad, Stefan Kröll
(2004) [Host publication title missing]
KonferensbidragSystem för kvalitetssäkring av allmän ingenjörskompetens inom civilingenjörsutbildningen i Ekosystemteknik vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola
Nina Reistad
(2004) UNW:4
RapportThe learning is in the struggle
Nina Reistad
(1996) [Host publication title missing]
KonferensbidragThe structure and decay-dynamics of the 2s2p3p and 3d configurations in FV
Lars Engström, Nina Reistad, Magnus Westerlind
(1991) Physica Scripta, 44 p.548-554
Artikel i tidskriftAnalysis of core-excited n = 3 configurations in S VI, Cl VII, Ar VIII and Ti XII
C. Jupén, L. Engström, R. Hutton, N. Reistad, M. Westerlind
(1990) Physica Scripta, 42 p.44-50
Artikel i tidskriftBeam-foil lifetime data for 3 s 3 p3 and 3 s2 3 p 3 d levels of Si-like Ni14+
E. Träbert, N. Reistad, I. Martinson, R. Hutton
(1989) Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 11 p.207-211
Artikel i tidskriftObservation of an intensity anomaly in the 3s23p 2P1/2, 3/2-3s3p22S1/2 and 2P1/2 resonance transitions in the Al I isoelectronic sequence
Lars Engström, N. Reistad, C. Jupén, M. Westerlind
(1989) Physica Scripta, 39 p.66-69
Artikel i tidskriftMänskliga behov - tekniska möjligheter: Om hur Certec påbörjat arbetet med att bygga upp en rehabiliteringskedja i Sydsverige
Bodil Jönsson, Nina Reistad, Ingvar Jönsson, Birger Roos
(1989) Certec
RapportA survey of robotics in rehabilitation applications
Nina Reistad, Birger Roos, Hendrik Ruijter, Lars Nielsen
(1989) Certec
RapportGert-Olle har MS - men det ska gå ändå! Om hur det kan vara att leva med multipel scleros
Bodil Jönsson, Nina Reistad, Ingvar Jönsson, Birger Roos, Gert-Olle Larsson
(1989) Certec
RapportLifetimes of low-lying doublet states in S IV
N. Reistad, L. Engström
(1989) Physical Review A, 39 p.4518-4524
Artikel i tidskriftLifetime measurements of some low-lying quartet levels in al-like sulphur chlorine and iron
Möller G, Elmar Traebert, P.H. Heckmann, Magnus Westerlind, Christer Jupén, et al.
(1989) Journal de Physique. Colloques, 50 p.1-602
Artikel i tidskriftExperimental mean-life determinations of 2p5 3p and 3d levels in S VII and Ar IX
M. Westerlind, Lars Engström, R. Hutton, N. Reistad, S. Bliman, et al.
(1988) Physica Scripta, 38 p.821-824
Artikel i tidskriftLifetimes of 2p53p and 3d levels in Ne-like chlorine, Cl VIII
M. Westerlind, N. Reistad, C. Jupén, L. Engström
(1988) Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, 31 p.300-304
Artikel i tidskriftExperimental oscillator strengths for resonance transitions in aluminum-like sulfur, S IV
Nina Reistad, Lars Engström
(1988) Astrophysical Journal, 327 p.502-506
Artikel i tidskriftA new measurement of the 1s2s2p 4p0-1s2p24p transitions in c iv : Wavelengths, fine structure intervals and lifetimes
L. Engstrom, R. Hutton, N. Reistad, I. Martinson, S. Huldt, et al.
(1987) Physica Scripta, 36 p.250-254
Artikel i tidskriftOn the 3s-3 and 3p-3d transitions in ne-like ni xix
R. R. Haar, L. J. Curtis, N. Reistad, C. Jupén, I. Martinson, et al.
(1987) Physica Scripta, 35 p.296-299
Artikel i tidskriftLifetimes of some low-lying levels in ni xvii
R. Hutton, N. Reistad, I. Martinson, E. Träbert, P. H. Heckmann, et al.
(1987) Physica Scripta, 35 p.300-302
Artikel i tidskriftRadiative transition probabilities of ions with emphasis on isoelectronic regularities
Nina Reistad
DoktorsavhandlingIntercombination decay of 3 s3 p3P10 in MgI-like Ni and Cu
E. Träbert, N. Reistad, R. Hutton
(1986) Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 1 p.331-332
Artikel i tidskriftLifetimes of levels in cll and o iii, derived from beam-foil experiments and extensive cascade analyses
N. Reistad, R. Hutton, A. E. Nilsson, I. Martinson, S. Mannervik
(1986) Physica Scripta, 34 p.151-157
Artikel i tidskriftOscillator strength measurements of the resonance transitions in sodium- and magnesium-like argon
N. Reistad, L. Engstrom, H. G. Berry
(1986) Physica Scripta, 34 p.158-163
Artikel i tidskriftAccurate transition probabilities in ions obtained by isoelectronic smoothing of line strengths
N. Reistad, I. Martinson
(1986) Physical Review A, 34 p.2632-2637
Artikel i tidskriftThe 2p4 3s, 3p and 3d configurations of thirteen times ionized titanium, ti xiv
C. Jupén, N. Reistad, E. Träbert, J. H. Blanke, P. H. Heckmann, et al.
(1985) Physica Scripta, 32 p.527-533
Artikel i tidskriftLifetime of the 3s3p1p term in s v
N. Reistad, C. Jupén, S. Huldt, L. Engström, I. Martinson
(1985) Physica Scripta, 32 p.164-168
Artikel i tidskriftTransition probabilities for the 1s21s0-1s2p3p1 intercombination line in he-like carbon and nitrogen
R. Hutton, N. Reistad, L. Engström, S. Huldt
(1985) Physica Scripta, 31 p.506-508
Artikel i tidskriftJ-Dependent 3s4p 3PJ Lifetimes in Mg-Like Sulphur and Chlorine
Nina Reistad, Tomas Brage, Jan Olof Ekberg, Lars Engström
(1984) Physica Scripta. Topical Issues, 30 p.249-254
Artikel i tidskrift