2 December 2021
Management information
Last week the CEC Board decided on the plan of operations and budget for the next year. The plan of operations is currently available in Swedish on the link below and will be available in English when it has been translated.
Verksamhetsplan 2022 – cec.lu.se
The Faculty of Science has today opened call for four tenure-track assistant professorships (BUL, biträdande universitetslektor), with deadline 15 February 2022. This is an excellent opportunity to strengthen environmental and climate research at LU! CEC will gladly support a small number of promising applications and help applicants to link to important environments and scientific disciplines. If you see any potential candidates that you think will be interested in applying for a BUL at CEC, please contact Yann Clough for further information and discussion.
About the positions – varbi.com
The development of Covid-19 in Sweden and the rest of the world is once again worrying. There have recently been decided on new recommendations from the Swedish authorities, and there are expectations on additional one’s next week. In short this applies now:
- You are to stay home when you feel sick, and in most cases when you live with someone who tested positive for Covid-19.
- Vaccination is the best way to avoid becoming seriously ill and spreading Covid-19. A third dose will be available for everyone. If you are not fully vaccinated, you should take the necessary precautions to avoid catching and spreading Covid-19.
- You are to get tested when you feel sick, when you arrive from travelling outside the Nordic countries or in most cases when you live with someone who tested positive for Covid-19.
- There are new restrictions for public gatherings, public events, and some other activities, and in some cases vaccination certificates will be needed to participate.
Please keep updated on the links below, since things change fast:
The latest information about Covid-19 from Swedish authorities – krisinformation.se
Measures from 22 November and 1 December – folkhälsomyndigheten.se
Coronavirus/Covid-19 information on LU’s Staff pages - staff.lu.se
Due to the recent developments, we have decided on cancelling the CEC Christmas dinner. It was not an easy decision to make, since we have all longed-for meetings under informal conditions, but we don’t want to take any unnecessary risks of causing spread of infection and illness. Tomorrow we offer breakfast in the lunchroom followed by Management info in the lunchroom and on Teams. In that way you can take part in the way that feels most comfortable for you. During next week we will let you know how we will proceed with Friday Management info and breakfast for the rest of the semester, and any other new regulations due to decisions from the authorities and LU. In any case, there will be an end of term gathering on December 17, and we are looking forward to seeing you all then.
Deadline for submitting time reports, expense/travel claims and invoices in December 2021 and January 2022.
Primula: For payments in December, the deadline to submit time reports and expense/travel claims is 3 December 2021. For payments in January, the deadline to submit time reports and expense/travel claims is 4 January 2022. If you have employees who submit time reports, it is your responsibility to ensure that they receive this information.
Lupin (Proceedo): Please make sure that you have processed all your invoices before you go on leave in December or by the 22 December at the very latest.
Reminder to return office equipment.
Please return any screens, chairs, and other office equipment that you may have used when working from home, we don’t have any spare office equipment and there is still a lot missing.
We’re hiring, please spread the word!
Researcher in Envorenmental Science (varbi.com) – apply by 21 December 2021.
Post-doctoral fellow in uncertainty analysis in scientific assessment (varbi.com) – apply by 20 December 2021.
Friday Breakfast talk
Friday, 3 December @ 9:45 - Windows to the underground - investigating soil processes at microbial scale. Presentation by Edith Hammer, Associate Senior Lecturer at CEC. IRL and on CEC Teams
Friday, 10 December @ 9:45 – Management information and Lucia celebration. IRL and on CEC Teams.
Monday, 13 December @ 8:45 – The Alumni Networks Lucia Celebration on YouTube.
Alumnnätverkets Luciamorgon 2021 / The Alumni Network’s Lucia Celebration 2021 | Medarbetarwebben
Wednesday, 15 Decemeber @ 15:00 - Discussion forum about profile areas at Lund University.
Registration for the discussion forum – sustainability.lu.se
Friday, 17 December @ 13:00 - Public defence of doctoral dissertation in Environmental Science: Ivette Raices Cruz. Blå hallen and on Zoom.
Save the event to your calendar and register – cec.lu.se
Donate in someone’s name as a Christmas gift.
Ge bort forskning i julklapp! | Lunds universitet
Nominate for the Lund University Agenda 2030 Award
The Lund University Agenda 2030 Award aims to promote innovative, interdisciplinary research on sustainable development by early career scholars at Lund University. PhD students, post docs, and researchers with a PhD exam no older than five years can be nominated.
The winner will be awarded 25 000 SEK and the announcement and prize ceremony will take place at the annual Lund University Sustainability Week (Hållbarhetsveckan). Nominations for the award should be submitted to the Agenda 2030 Graduate School no later than 1 February 2022.
Nominate for the Lund University Agenda 2030 Award – sustainability.lu.se
The award is a collaboration between the Agenda 2030 Graduate School at Lund University and Elis Textil Service AB - Sweden’s leading B2B textile service provider and the first company in Sweden to be third-party certified for its work with the Sustainable Development Goals.
New sub-logotype for CEC
CEC now has its own sub-logotype for both digital use and print. You can download the logotype, in both Swedish and English, as well as Word templates with the logo from the Lund University image and media bank. Use your LUCAT-id to log in:
Lund University image and media bank - lu-mediaportal.qbank.se
You find information on how the logotype should be placed in materials, both when standing alone and together with logos from collaborative partners, on the:
Staff Pages with information on use of logotype - staff.lu.se
Additional materials, e.g. Power point templates etc., will be updated with the new sub-logo as soon as possible. In case of questions related to the communication materials, please contact anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) or stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
CEC in the Media
If the articles are behind pay wall, you can find them and read them in Retriever Research/Mediearkivet. Log in with your LUCAT-id.
Choice of trees carries great significance to city insect life
Johan Kjellberg Jensen was interviewed in several media related to his findings that the number of insects and spiders is higher on native trees compared to non-native species. Anna Persson and Maria von Post also contributed to the study.
Radio feature in P4 Malmöhus
Article in Arkitekten
Article in Natursidan
Article in Miljö & utveckling (behind paywall)
Article in Utemiljö
Editorial in Skånska Dagbladet
The importance of urban nature
The student magazine Lundagård has written an article about Anna Persson’s talk at Stadsbiblioteket in Lund about urban nature.
Article in Lundagård
Climate change threatens our food supply
Yann Clough was interviewed on how climate change is a threat to farmers around the world, and also threatens our food supply.
Article in Expressen
CEC-student work as a climate coach in Kalmar
Elizabet Zöttl, masterstudent at CEC, has got a new role as a climate coach in Kalmar. Her job is to coach people to live more sustainable.
Article in Barometern
Pictures and videos during your time at CEC – GDPR
During your time at CEC there will be pictures taken and videos shot at staff meetings etc. If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) orstina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Information about data protection at Lund University – lu.se
About the newsletter
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent out on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to karin [dot] hofvendahl [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (karin[dot]hofvendahl[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) no later than Tuesday the same week.