Environmental risks with circular material use
Our group focuses on environmental risks connected to recycling of materials and products and their potential to form circular flows. As both materials and products often contain organic and non-organic pollutants, they are more or less suitable for recycling.
Aspects that need to be taken into account in order to assess risks and develop criteria for recycling are both broad and complex: Natural Sciences (chemistry, ecotoxicology), engineering and process engineering, environmental law and social sciences. Our focus is on ecotoxicological effects that pollutants potentially have on the environment, especially the soil environment and soil functions, and how these should be assessed in order to minimize environmental risks.
We conduct field- and laboratory investigations, and we collaborate with stakeholders in our projects. The overall aim of our work is to contribute to environmentally safe recycling and non-toxic circular material use.
Related projects
ChemFree Garden - cec.lu.se
Circular material flows in construction projects - cec.lu.se
Principal investigator
Martijn van Praagh
Email: martijn [dot] van_praagh [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (martijn[dot]van_praagh[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46 222 47 80
Involved researchers
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