22 April 2021
From the Management
- This week the management group discussed the Research Quality Evaluation Project 2020 reports and prepared for the dialogues with the faculty in the autumn. Also discussed was the reporting on the assignment from the Dean of the Science Faculty, to further develop cooperation between the Faculty’s departments, and it will be presented to all staff in June.
- Well done everyone who sent in your applications to VR and FORMAS, we’re now keeping our fingers crossed.
- Thank you everyone who participated in the Saff day last week. A summary of your input will be presented the Friday fika on 7 May, but you can have a look at the Padlets and Mentimeter Quiz results that are attached.
- Finally, the ventilation in the Ecology building is worn out and must be changed. This was originally considered to take place this summer, but that is now postponed and will occur at a later date. We will provide more information when it becomes available.
We warmly welcome postdoc Lingzi Wang to CEC. Mikael Pontarp is her host, and she will work in the project “Eco-evolutionary models of plant-pollinator communities – community response to landscape structure”.
Niklas Boke Olén is leaving CEC for the Swedish Board of Agriculture to work on developing a system to survey agricultural land using satellite data. We will say fare well to Niklas on the Friday fika on 30 April.
Willi May will be the acting Health and Safety Representative for CEC now that Niklas is leaving. A new election will be announced soon.
Friday, 30 April is Valborgsmässoafton (Walpurgis eve) and admin staff have the afternoon off.
Read about how and why we celebrate Valborgsmässoafton – thelocal.se
Your income tax return for the 2020 income year must be received by the Swedish Tax Agency by 3 May 2021 at the latest.
Information on how to fill in the tax return – skatteverket.se
Take a virtual tour of Lund University, the guided tour is produced by LU’s international office to help you familiarize yourself with the surroundings.
Guided tour – youtube.com
The Institute for Future Studies offer free workshops and courses on how to improve and develop writing techniques for researchers from all Universities in Sweden during 2021 (in Swedish only).
Sign up for a course – iffs.se
CEC Calendar (in English) – cec.lu.se/calendar
CEC Friday Breakfast Talk
Friday, 23 April 2021 @ 10:15 – Markku Rummukainen presents: Balancing the forest’s climate benefits.
Friday, 30 April 2021 @ 10:15 – Farewell and good luck to Niklas Boke Olén
Tuesday, 4 May 2021 - Lund University Research Conference – Knowledge for Sustainable Development
Read the full conference programme – sustainability.lu.se
Tuesday, 11 May 2021 - SRA workshop series: How can we develop research ideas and influence research policy related to the SDGs?
Read more and register - becc.lu.se
Welcome to the Sustainability Week in Lund 3-8 May 2021
Sustainability Week is an annual event in Lund where the University and Lund municipality arrange a theme week about sustainability! This year's sustainability week consists of over 60 events: digital events, outdoor exhibitions, workshops and guided tours. There are opportunities to discuss and learn more about invasive alien species, the fight about the forest, consumption, climate-smart food, innovation for a sustainable future and much more!
Some highlights during the week:
- Vem ska bort? En utställning om invasiva främmande växter, 21 April – 31 May
- Materiality & Aggregation – outdoor exhibition, 3 May
- Frukostchatt: Översvämning eller torka? 4 May
- Under the Sky We Make. A discussion with scientist and author Kimberly Nicholas on her new book, climate, and being human, 4 May
- The soil we live on – sustainable use of arable land, 5 May (LU Land & Agenda 2030 Graduate school)
- Mer ätbart i staden! En digital rundtur i Nobelparken, 5 May
- Fjärrvärme från avfall – bra eller dåligt för miljön? 5 May
- Practical training in constructive climate conversations, 5 May
- Från atmosfär och klimat till trä på molekylnivå – forskning för hållbarhet på MAXIV, 6 May
- Guidad tur: Våtmarker för ett bättre vatten, biologisk mångfald och lyckligare människor, 6 May
- Tillsammans för ett hållbart Skåne! Nya åtgärder för miljö- och hållbarhetsarbetet i Skåne, 7 May
- Workshop: Sustainable Innovation, 7 May
- Learning to save the world? Education beyond textbooks for sustainability, 7 May
Much more in the programme – hallbarhet.lu.se
CEC in Media
Cecilia Larsson has written an article in Kristianstadsbladet on how subsidies to the cattle industry work against the climate goals.
Cecilia Larsson: ”Subventioner till nötkreatur motverkar klimatmålen” (kristianstadsbladet.se)
Katarina Hedlund has been interviewed in Extrakt about a new report on farming methods that can increase carbon storage in soil.
Ny rapport: Så kan jordbrukets kolinlagring öka | Tidningen Extrakt
Markku Rummukianen and his synthesis on forestry and climate mitigation continues to gain attention. Sveriges Radio spent 20 minutes on the topic last Saturday and Dagens Nyheter, among others, refers to the report.
Hur hållbar är bioenergi från skogen? - Nyheter (Ekot) | Sveriges Radio
Biobränsle: Skog huggs ner för att eldas som bränsle - DN.SE
DN avslöjar: Sjättedel av Sveriges utsläpp syns inte i statistiken - DN.SE
Klimatexperten: Bevarad skog köper oss tid i klimatomställningen - Aktuell Hållbarhet (aktuellhallbarhet.se)
Sanningen om skogen och klimatet är svårfunnen (barometern.se)
The magazine Extrakt har written an article about Janne Rinne’s study about climate models and mire’s methan emissions.
Myrar mer komplexa än i klimatmodeller | Tidningen Extrakt
The magazine Skogen writes about Paul Miller’s and Wilhelm May’s synthesis “The importance of land-atmosphere biophysical interactions for regional climate and terrestrial ecosystem change - Improved understanding to inform Swedish national climate action”
Klimatnytta mer än kollagring | Skogen
SVT, Skånska Dagbladet, Forskning & Framsteg, Tidningen Syre and Miljömagasinet among others, has reported on Georgina Brennan’s and her colleagues finding – a new method that predicts the severity of the grass pollen season. They also showed that pollen seasons may be 60 per cent more severe in the future due to climate change.
Ny metod kan avslöja hur svår gräspollensäsongen blir | SVT Nyheter
Ny studie: Risk för 60 procent svårare pollensäsonger i framtiden | SVT Nyheter
Skånska Dagbladet | Ny forskningsmetod förutspår hela säsongen för gräspollen (skd.se)
Klimatförändringar förvärrar pollenallergi | Forskning & Framsteg (fof.se)
Klimatförändringar kan göra pollensäsongerna 60 procents värre - Syre (tidningensyre.se)
More LU News
Please see the attached newsletters
LU-gemensamt mejlutskick nr 12, vecka 14, 2021 (PDF 289k, new tab)
LU-gemensamt mejlutskick nr 13, vecka 15, 2021 (PDF 538k, new tab)
Pictures, and videos during your time at CEC – GDPR
During your time at CEC there will be pictures taken and videos shot at staff meetings etc. If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)or stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Data protection at Lund University.
About the newsletter
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent out on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to Karin Hofvendahl, no later than Tuesday the same week.
karin [dot] hofvendahl [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se