About my research
My research focuses on the interaction between people and nature. This includes studies on how environmental change affects ecosystems, particularly in cities, where anthropogenic impacts are the most concentrated. I am interested in the ecosystem as a whole and my research therefore encompasses multiple taxa, namely trees, arthropods, and birds. To create applicable knowledge, I strive to understand how specific environmental changes, such as air pollution, vegetation composition, and artificial light, impact ecosystems.
Urbanization also affects people and our relation to nature; my second major research interest therefore lies in the question of how nature-connection impacts our health and attitude to wild animals and habitats. To answer these questions, I rely both on studies that span time and studies that focus on how our local surroundings shape us.
My fascination for urban ecology stems from an interest in biology, mixed with a drive to produce knowledge that can be applied to some of our time’s biggest societal challenges. As a majority of the world’s population now lives in cities, and urbanization progresses, I believe these interactions are equally important as they are interesting to study.
About me
I hold a BSc in Biology, MSc in Animal Ecology, and PhD in Environmental Science. Outside of work I enjoy any and all activities outdoors, especially hiking. I’m also particularly interested in art and literature (even when it is not biology related).
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Reconnecting children to nature : The efficacy of a wildlife intervention depends on local nature and socio-economic context, but not on urbanisation
Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Johanna Alkan Olsson, Maria von Post, Caroline Isaksson
(2024) People and Nature, 6 p.1987-2000
Journal articlearkitekten: Skolgårdarna är en nyckel till hållbar framtid
Anna S. Persson, Maria von Post, Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Märit Jansson
(2024) Arkitekten
Newspaper articleNatur på skolgården för lärande, hälsa och hållbarhet
Hanna Andersson, Anna Ekblad, Amanda Gabriel, Sanna Ignell, Caroline Isaksson, et al.
(2024) BECC Policy briefs
ReportFrämja biologisk mångfald i städer och tätorter
Anna S. Persson, Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Caroline Isaksson, Maria von Post
(2024) Movium Fakta, 2024
Journal articleDietary fatty acids modulate oxidative stress response to air pollution but not to infection
Ann Kathrin Ziegler, Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Lucía Jiménez-Gallardo, Jenny Rissler, Anders Gudmundsson, et al.
(2024) Frontiers in Physiology, 15
Journal articleUnderstanding the urban ecosystem : interactions between plants, animals, and people
Johan Kjellberg Jensen
DissertationQuantifying the influence of urban biotic and abiotic environmental factors on great tit nestling physiology
Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Ann-Kathrin Ziegler, Christina Isaxon, Lucia Gloria Jiménez Gallardo, Susana Garcia Dominguez, et al.
(2023) Science of the Total Environment, 859
Journal articleUrban tree composition is associated with breeding success of a passerine bird, but effects vary within and between years
Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Johan Ekroos, Hannah Watson, Pablo Salmón, Peter Olsson, et al.
(2023) Oecologia, 201 p.585-597
Journal articleContrasting effects of tree origin and urbanization on invertebrate abundance and tree phenology
Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Sherin Jayousi, Maria von Post, Caroline Isaksson, Anna S. Persson
(2022) Ecological Applications, 32
Journal articleMigrant blackbirds, Turdus merula, have higher plasma levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to residents, but not enhanced fatty acid unsaturation index
Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Caroline Isaksson, Cas Eikenaar, Martin N. Andersson
(2020) Ecology and Evolution, 10 p.10196-10206
Journal articleArtificial light at night, in interaction with spring temperature, modulates timing of reproduction in a passerine bird
Davide M. Dominoni, Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Maaike de Jong, Marcel E. Visser, Kamiel Spoelstra
(2020) Ecological Applications, 30
Journal article