I am a research coordinator at CEC, working specifically with the strategic research area “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate” (BECC). I work closely with the BECC Board, and in cooperation with our Principal Investigators, to make sure our research environment works towards fulfilling our mission and visions. Together with the BECC research administration team, I also assist and support our +250 connected researchers at Lund University and the University of Gothenburg in different ways.
I have a background as a researcher within the areas of sexual selection and sexual conflict theory in plants and hold a PhD in Plant Ecology from Lund University. I have previously worked with research project coordination and administration at the World Maritime University in Malmö.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Floral scent and pollinator visitation in relation to floral colour morph in the mixed-mating annual herb Collinsia heterophylla
Mattias C. Larsson, Josefin A. Madjidian, Åsa Lankinen
(2021) Nordic Journal of Botany, 39
Journal articleDirect and indirect selection on mate choice during pollen competition : Effects of male and female sexual traits on offspring performance following two-donor crosses
Josefin A. Madjidian, Henrik G. Smith, Stefan Andersson, Åsa Lankinen
(2020) Journal of evolutionary biology, 33 p.1452-1467
Journal articleNatural selection acts on floral traits associated with selfing rate among populations of Mixed-Mating collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae)
Maria Strandh, Jane Jönsson, Josefin A. Madjidian, Bengt Hansson, Åsa Lankinen
(2017) International Journal of Plant Sciences, 178 p.594-606
Journal articleGeographic variation in floral traits is associated with environmental and genetic differences among populations of the mixed mating species Collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae)
Åsa Lankinen, Josefin A. Madjidian, Stefan Andersson
(2017) Botany, 95 p.121-128
Journal articleEffect of root contact on pollen competitive ability in a hermaphroditic winter-annual herb
Åsa Lankinen, Jerker Niss, Josefin A. Madjidian
(2016) Evolutionary Ecology, 30 p.739-754
Journal articleSelection on pollen and pistil traits during pollen competition is affected by both sexual conflict and mixed mating in a self-compatible herb.
Åsa Lankinen, Henrik Smith, Stefan Andersson, Josefin Madjidian
(2016) American Journal of Botany, 103 p.541-552
Journal articleSexual antagonism in the pistil varies among populations of a hermaphroditic mixed-mating plant.
Evan Hersh, Josefin Madjidian, Stefan Andersson, Maria Strandh, W Scott Armbruster, et al.
(2015) Journal of evolutionary biology, 28 p.1321-1334
Journal articleA reply to Perry & Rowe : Costs in sexual conflict research
Josefin A. Madjidian, Kristina Karlsson Green
(2012) Animal Behaviour, 83 p.14-16
Journal articleEstimation of heritability, evolvability and genetic correlations of two pollen and pistil traits involved in a sexual conflict over timing of stigma receptivity in Collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae).
Josefin Madjidian, Stefan Andersson, Åsa Lankinen
(2012) Annals of Botany, 110 p.91-99
Journal articleInfluence of number of pollinations and pollen load size on maternal fitness costs in Collinsia heterophylla: implications for existence of a sexual conflict over timing of stigma receptivity.
Josefin Madjidian, Sofia Hydbom, Åsa Lankinen
(2012) Journal of evolutionary biology, 25 p.1623-1635
Journal articleActive males, reactive females: stereotypic sex roles in sexual conflict research?
Kristina Karlsson, Josefin Madjidian
(2011) Animal Behaviour, 81 p.901-907
Journal article reviewEnhancing Pollen Competition By Delaying Stigma Receptivity: Pollen Deposition Schedules Affect Siring Ability, Paternal Diversity, And Seed Production In Collinsia Heterophylla (Plantaginaceae)
Åsa Lankinen, Josefin Madjidian
(2011) American Journal of Botany, 98 p.1191-1200
Journal articleSexual conflict and sexually antagonistic coevolution in an annual plant.
Josefin Madjidian, Åsa Lankinen
(2009) PLoS ONE, 4
Journal articleDisplacement of a native by an alien bumblebee: lower pollinator efficiency overcome by overwhelmingly higher visitation frequency.
Josefin Madjidian, Carolina Morales, Henrik Smith
(2008) Oecologia, 156 p.835-845
Journal article