On-line seminar on Micropollutants in urban settings and biosolids

On 12 February we will be hosting an online seminar on micropollutants in urban areas and biosolids.
• Dr. Martijn van Praagh (host), CEC, Lund University
Ultrashort introduction and welcome
• Tove Björklund, bachelor CEC, Lund University
Plastics in garden compost
• Dr. Crislaine Bertoldi, CEC, Lund University;
Understanding microplastic contamination in different types of biosolid
• Dr. Luís F. Amato, Freie Universität Berlin;
The influence of environmental factors on airborne microplastic deposition in the soil of urban allotment gardens
• Dr. Maria Hansson, CEC, Lund University;
Is exposure to urban pollutants putting European hedgehogs at risk? A case study from southern Sweden.
Please register in advance for this meeting at Zoom
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
About the event
Online meeting, Zoom. Register in advance for this meeting: https://lu-se.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5crdOyrpjIvHdxLjPmlqmBXbJH76Nh9bYz9
martijn [dot] van_praagh [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se