About my research
My PhD project is exploring the impact of pollinators declines on plant community and ecosystem functioning from landscape perspective. Specifically, I will be looking at under the different land-use intensity, how pollinators interact with other plant antagonists such herbivores and seed predators to influence the plant fitness and reproduction, and further to the ecosystem functions and services. I will combine both the manipulative and observational approaches together to conduct multi-year experiments in the grassland systems within Skåne province.
About me
I received my Bachelor’s degree in forestry and MSc degree in Ecology. Over the past three years, I spent most of my time in Xishuangbanna - the only tropical region in mainland China for my master project. I investigated the tri-trophic interactions between insectivorous predators, herbivore insects and plant herbivory in forest understorey and canopy of a Southeast Asian rainforest system. The intensive ecological study and training I learnt from my master study gave me a well-equipped background to shift my research focus from tropical system to grassland system.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Plant-insect interactions in grassland ecosystems : Assessing consequences of landscape change and environmental stressors
Yuanyuan Quan
DissertationPollinator-mediated effects of landscape-scale land use on grassland plant community composition and ecosystem functioning – seven hypotheses
Veronica Hederström, Johan Ekroos, Magne Friberg, Theresia Krausl, Øystein H. Opedal, et al.
(2024) Biological Reviews, 99 p.675-698
Journal article