My research
My research focuses on developing effective and cost-efficient strategies for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service provision. Specifically, I explore actions and policies that address the main threats posed by land use change and climate change. My work centers around three key challenges: promoting ecologically and economically sustainable agriculture, helping businesses reduce their biodiversity impacts, and enhancing the effectiveness of protected areas in supporting biodiversity, natural capital and ecosystem services.
Bridging agriculture and nature conservation
In agricultural landscapes, a key challenge is restoring biodiversity while minimizing economic trade-offs. To address this challenge, I investigate what makes different conservation actions cost-effective and how government payment schemes can encourage farmers to adopt the best practices in areas where they have the greatest impact. For example, I study where organic farming and semi-natural grasslands can provide the greatest benefits to biodiversity while considering the opportunity costs. I also assess how these and other actions can contribute to climate change adaptation, and estimate the economic value of the ecosystem services they generate.
Reducing business impacts on biodiversity
The demand for commodities from large-scale businesses is a major driver of land use expansion and the degradation of natural habitats. I explore how businesses can assess and reduce their biodiversity impacts by using metrics that measure biodiversity at the sourcing sites. This research aims to help businesses make informed decisions that minimize their contribution to biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation.
Optimizing protected areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services
Protected areas are the backbone of global biodiversity conservation. Using global datasets, I study how different factors influence the effectiveness of protected areas in preserving biodiversity, maintaining natural capital, and generating ecosystem services. Additionally, I explore strategies for optimizing the expansion of the global protected area network to maximize its impact on biodiversity conservation and human well-being.
Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, Cost-effectiveness, Policy assessment
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Cost-effective biodiversity conservation with organic farming - spatial allocation is key
William Sidemo Holm, Mark V. Brady, Romain Carrié, Johan Ekroos, Henrik G. Smith
(2024) Biological Conservation, 294
Journal articleStöd för åtgärder inom jordbruket som minskar utsläpp av ammoniak och växthusgaser
William Sidemo Holm, Fredrik Wilhelmsson, Kristian Sundström
(2023) AgriFood Fokus
ReportSkatt på bränsle - hur kan fisket anpassas?
Nils Malmström, William Sidemo Holm, Cecilia Hammarlund, Staffan Waldo
(2023) AgriFood Fokus
ReportUrbanization causes biotic homogenization of woodland bird communities at multiple spatial scales
William Sidemo Holm, Johan Ekroos, Santiago Reina García, Bo Söderström, Marcus Hedblom
(2022) Global Change Biology, 28 p.6152-6164
Journal articleEkologisk odling för mer biologisk mångfald - var får man mest för pengarna?
William Sidemo Holm, Mark V. Brady
(2022) AgriFood Policy Brief
ReportGrowth of non-English-language literature on biodiversity conservation
Shawan Chowdhury, Kristofer Gonzalez, M. Çisel Kemahlı Aytekin, Seung Yun Baek, Michał Bełcik, et al.
(2022) Conservation Biology, 36
Journal articleÄr ekologisk odling bättre för miljön
Sofie Andersson, Christian Jörgensen, William Sidemo Holm, Fredrik Wilhelmsson
(2021) AgriFood Fokus
ReportBiodiversity decline with increasing crop productivity in agricultural fields revealed by satellite remote sensing
Abdulhakim M. Abdi, Romain Carrié, William Sidemo-Holm, Zhanzhang Cai, Niklas Boke-Olén, et al.
(2021) Ecological Indicators, 130
Journal articlePathways towards a sustainable future envisioned by early-career conservation researchers
Kaisa J. Raatikainen, Jenna Purhonen, Tähti Pohjanmies, Maiju Peura, Eini Nieminen, et al.
(2021) Conservation Science and Practice, 3
Journal articleLand sharing versus land sparing—What outcomes are compared between which land uses?
William Sidemo Holm, Johan Ekroos, Henrik G. Smith
(2021) Conservation Science and Practice, 3
Journal articleReduced crop density increases floral resources to pollinators without affecting crop yield in organic and conventional fields
William Sidemo-Holm, Romain Carrié, Johan Ekroos, Sandra A.M. Lindström, Henrik G. Smith
(2021) Journal of Applied Ecology, 58 p.1421-1430
Journal articleEffective conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes
William Sidemo Holm
DissertationPayments by modelled results : A novel design for agri-environmental schemes
Bartosz Bartkowski, Nils Droste, Mareike Ließ, William Sidemo-Holm, Ulrich Weller, et al.
(2021) Land Use Policy, 102
Journal articleTemporal patterns in ecosystem services research : A review and three recommendations
Anna-Lena Rau, Verena Burkhardt, Christian Dorninger, Cecilia Hjort, Karin Ibe, et al.
(2019) Ambio: a Journal of the Human Environment , p.1-17
Journal articleImproving agricultural pollution abatement through result-based payment schemes
William Sidemo Holm, Henrik G. Smith, Mark Brady
(2018) Land Use Policy, 77 p.209-219
Journal articleEkosystembaserad klimatanpassning : Konceptualisering och kunskapsöversyn
Johanna Alkan Olsson, Ebba Brink, Johan Ekroos, Helena Hanson, Johan Hollander, et al.
ReportSkyddszoner i jordbruket – betalt för resultat?
William Sidemo Holm, Mark Brady
(2016) AgriFood Policy Brief
ReportExperimental evidence for a mismatch between insect emergence and waterfowl hatching under increased spring temperatures
Lars-Anders Hansson, Mattias Ekvall, Mikael Ekvall, Johan Ahlgren, William Sidemo Holm, et al.
(2014) Ecosphere, 5 p.1-9
Journal article