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Litteraturlista Klimatpolitik, samhällsstyrning och kommunikation, MVEN16 höstterminen 2021


Håkan Wallander
hakan [dot] wallander [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (hakan[dot]wallander[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)

Litteraturlista för utskrift (PDF 218 kB, ny flik)


OBS! Vissa artiklar kan ändras/tillkomma inför kursstart och under kursens gång!


Boyce, T. and Lewis, J., eds. (2009). Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Series. Peter Lang
Pub Inc. (Svårtillgänglig, utvalda kapitel tillhandahålles under kursens gång)

Bulkeley, H. and Newell, P. (2015). Governing Climate Change. 2nd Ed. Routledge. (e-bok via LUB)

Jordan, A., Huitema, D., van Asselt, H. and Forster, J. (2018). Governing Climate Change: Polycentricity in Action?
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (e-bok via Open Access: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108284646).

Hulme, M., ed. (2020). Contemporary Climate Change Debates: A Student Primer. Abingdon: Earthscan/Routledge.
(e-bok via LUB: https://doi-org.ludwig.lub.lu.se/10.4324/9780429446252)

Till stöd för samhällsvetenskapligt skrivande och metod, t.ex:

Esaiasson, P., Gilljan, M., Oscarsson, H., Towns, A. och Wängnerud, L., red. (2017). Metodpraktikan, 5 uppl.
Stockholm: Wolters Kluwer. (eller tidigare upplagor)

Gustavsson, J. och Hedlund, M. (2010). Konsten att skriva och tala. 2:a utg. Ventus. Tillgänglig via:

Bokkapitel (kopior tillhandahålles under kursens gång; eller via referensexemplar i biblioteket)

Carter, N. (2007). The environment as a policy problem. In: N. Carter, The Politics of the Environment, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 173–206 (Ch. 7).

Dalhammar, C. (2020). Briefing: Environmental Policy and Law. Mistra REES, September 2020.

Dalhammar, C. och Hjärne, A. (2019). Behovet av systemsyn inom energirätten: utbyggnad av solel och smarta nät
för el och fjärrvärme. (2019). I: J. Darpö m.fl. (red.), Miljörätten och den förhandlingsovilliga naturen, Iustus

Doyle, J. (2014). Picturing the Clima(c)tic: Greenpeace and the Representational Politics of Climate Change
CommunicationIn: B. Schneider and T. Nocke (eds.), Image Politics of Climate Change: Visualizations,
Imaginations, Documentations, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

Grittmann, E. (2014). Between Risk, Beauty and the Sublime: The Visualization of Climate Change in Media
Coverage during COP15 in Copenhagen 2009. In: B. Schneider and T. Nocke (eds.), Image Politics of Climate
Change: Visualizations, Imaginations, Documentations, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 127–151.

Jagers, S.C., Matti, S., Oscarssob, H. och Persson, S. (2020). ”How dare you?” Gretaeffekter på svensk miljö- och
klimatopinion. I: U. Andersson, A. Carlander & P. Öhberg (red.), Regntunga skyar. Göteborgs universitet:
SOM-institutet, s. 185–198.

Jordan, A. et al. (2010). Climate Change Policy in the European Union: Confronting the Dilemmas of Mitigation and
Adaptation? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 13–17, 29–36.

Khan, J. (2010). Local climate mitigation and network governance: Progressive innovation or status quo in disguise?
In: K. Bäckstrand et al., Environmental Politics and Deliberative Democracy: Examining the Promise of New
Modes of Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 197–214 (Ch. 10).

Kronsell, A. and Bäckstrand, K. (2010). Rationalities and forms of governance: A framework for analyzing the
legitimacy of new modes of governance. In: K. Bäckstrand et al., Environmental Politics and Deliberative
Democracy: Examining the Promise of New Modes of Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 28–46 (Ch.

Morris, E. and Sayler, S. (2014). The Pensive Photograph as Agent: What Can Non-Illustrative Images Do to
Galvanize Public Support for Climate Change Action? In: B. Schneider and T. Nocke (eds.), Image Politics of
Climate Change: Visualizations, Imaginations, Documentations, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 299–322.

Morrow, J. (2016). Drowned worlds. Rebellion. (utvalda kapitel tillhandahålls under kursens gång)

Tollman, V. (2014). The Uncanny Polar Bear: Activists Visually Attack an Overly Emotionalized Image Clone In:
Kurslitteratur MVEN16 2021-10-09
B. Schneider and T. Nocke (eds.), Image Politics of Climate Change: Visualizations, Imaginations,
Documentations, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

Artiklar och rapporter (elektroniskt tillgängliga, t.ex. via LUBSearch; eller som pdf via Canvas)

Aklin, Michaël and Mildenberger, Matto (2020). Prisoners of the wrong dilemma: Why distributive conflict, not
collective action, characterizes the politics of climate change. Global Environmental Politics, 20(4): 4–27.

Arts, B., Leroy, P. and van Tatenhove, J.P.M. (2006). Political Modernisation and Policy Arrangements: A
Framework for Understanding Environmental Policy Change. Public Organiz Rev, 6: 93–106.

Bernstein, S. and Hoffmann, M. (2019). Climate politics, metaphors and the fractal carbon trap. Nature Climate
Change, 9: 919–925.

Bäckstrand, K. and Lövbrand, E. (2019). The Road to Paris: Contending Climate Governance Discourses in the Post-
Copenhagen Era. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 21(5): 519–532.

Bulfin, A. (2017). Popular culture and the “new human condition”: Catastrophe narratives and climate change.
Global & Planetary Change, 156: 140–146.

Bulkeley, H. and Kern, K. (2006). Local government and the governing of climate change in Germany and the UK.
Urban Studies, 43(12): 2237–2259.

Dimitrov, R. S. (2016). The Paris Agreement on climate change: Behind closed doors. In: Special Forum Section:
Reflections on the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Global Environmental Politics, 16(3): 1–11.

Falkner, R. (2016). The Paris Agreement and the new logic of international climate politics. International Affairs,
92(5), 1107-1125.

Fankhauser, S., Gennaioli, C. and Collins, M. (2016). Do international factors influence the passage of climate
change legislation? Climate Policy, 16(3): 318–331.

Hale, T. (2016). “All Hands on Deck”: The Paris Agreement and nonstate climate action. In: Special Forum Section:
Reflections on the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Global Environmental Politics, 16(3): 12–22.

Hall, M., Lund, E. och Rummukainen, M., red. (2015). Klimatsäkrat Skåne. CEC Rapport Nr 02. Lund: Lunds
universitet. https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/sites/cec.lu.se/files/klimatsakrat_skane_65mb…

Hickmann, T. (2014). Science-Policy Interaction in International Environmental Politics: An Analysis of the Ozone
Regime and the Climate Regime. Environmental Economic Policy Studies 16: 21–44.

Hughes, S. (2017). The politics of urban climate change policy: Toward a research agenda. Urban Affairs Review,
53(2): 362–380.

Hulme, M. and Mahony, M. (2010). Climate change: What do we know about the IPCC? Progress in Physical
Geography, 34(5): 705–718. https://doi:10.1177/0309133310373719

Kronsell, A. and Mukhtar-Landgren, D. (2018). Experimental governance: The role of municipalities in urban living
labs. European Planning Studies, 26(5): 988–1007.

Meadowcroft, J. (2007). Who is in Charge here? Governance for Sustainable Development in a Complex World.
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 9(3-4): 299–314.

Nicholas, Kim (2021). Chapter 12. The Personal is Political. In: Nicholas, K., Under the Sky We Make: How to be
Human in a Warming World. G.P. Putnam’s Sons.

Nikoleris, A., Stripple, J. and Tenngart, P. (2017). Narrating Climate Futures: Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and
Literary Fiction. Climatic Change, 143(3/4): 307–319.

Olausson, U. (2014). Media and Climate Change: Four Long-standing Research Challenges
Revisited. Environmental Communication, 8(2): 249–265.

Painter, J. and Ashe, T. (2012). Cross-national comparisons of the presence of climate scepticism in the print media
in six countries, 2007-10. Environmental Research Letters 7(4). https://doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/4/044005

Shehata, A. and Hopmann, D.N. (2012). Framing climate change. Journalism Studies, 13(2): 175–192.

Stripple, J., Nikoleris, A., and Hildingsson, R. (2021). Carbon Ruins: Engaging with post-fossil transitions through
Kurslitteratur MVEN16 2021-10-09
participatory world-building. Politics and Governance 9(2): 87–99.

Fördjupningslitteratur (ej kursfordran, utan för att fördjupa sig ytterligare, t.ex. för projektarbete)

Andersen, S. and Agrawal, S. (2002). Leaders, pushers and laggards in the making of the climate regime. Global
Environmental Change, 12: 41–51.

Blaxekjær, L. and Nielsen, T.D. (2014). Mapping the Narrative Positions of New Political Groups under the
UNFCCC. Climate Policy, 15(6): 751–766.

Brun, A. (2016). Conference Diplomacy: The Making of the Paris Agreement. Politics and Governance, 4(3): 115–
123. – Published in Special Issue on Climate Governance and the Paris Agreement in the open access journal
Politics and Governance (Vol 4, No 3); other articles recommended (optional).

Bulkeley, H. and Castán Broto, V. (2013). Government by experiment? Global cities and the governing of climate
change. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38(3): 361–375.

Dubash, N.K., Hagemann, M., Höhne, N. and Upadhyaya, P. (2013). Developments in national climate change
mitigation legislation and strategy. Climate Policy, 13(6): 649–664.

Fletcher, A.L. (2009). Clearing the air: the contribution of frame analysis to understanding climate policy in the
United States. In: Climate Policy and Political Strategy, Special Issue of Environmental Politics, 18(5): 800–

Fuenfschilling, Lea, Niki Frantzeskaki and Lars Coenen (2019). Urban experimentation & sustainability transitions.
European Planning Studies, 27(2): 219–228.

Grundig, F. (2009). Political strategy and climate policy: a rational choice perspective. In: Climate Policy and
Political Strategy, Special Issue of Environmental Politics, 18(5): 747–764.

Head, L. (2016). The spectre of catastrophe. In: Head, L., Hope and Grief in the Anthropocene: Reconceptualising
human-nature relations, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1–20 (Chapter 1). <Ersätt med Solnit?>

Hildingsson, R., Kronsell, A. and Khan, J. (2019). The Green State and Industrial Decarbonisation. Environmental
Politics, 28(5): 909–928.

IPCC (2014). Chapter 15. National and Sub-national Policies and Institutions. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation
of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, Geneva. Available at:

Jordan, A., Wurzel, R. and Zito, A. (2005). The Rise of 'New' Policy Instruments in Comparative Perspective: Has
Governance Eclipsed Government?. Political Studies, 53(3): 477–496.

Karlsson, M. and Gilek, M. (2019). Mind the gap: Coping with delay in environmental governance. Ambio, 49:

Keohane, R. and Victor, D. (2011). The regime complex for climate change. Perspectives on Politics, 9(1), 7–23.

Kern, F. and Rogge, K.S. (2018). Harnessing theories of the policy process for analysing the politics of sustainability
transitions: A critical survey. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 27: 102–117.

Levin, K., Cashore, B., Bernstein, S. and Auld, G. (2012). Overcoming the tragedy of super wicked problems:
Constraining our future selves to ameliorate global climate change. Policy Sciences 45(2): 123–152.

Mazzucato, M. (2011). The Entrepreneurial state. Soundings, Issue 49, pp. 131–142.

Montin, S. (2015). Municipalities, Regions and County Councils: Actors and Institutions. In: J. Pierre (ed.), The
Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics, pp. 367–382 (in Section 6).

Nielsen, K.S., Nicholas, K.A., Creutzig, F. et al. The role of high-socioeconomic-status people in locking in or
rapidly reducing energy-driven greenhouse gas emissions. Nat Energy (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-

Nilsson, A. (2010): Environmental Law. In: Bogdan, M. (ed.): Swedish legal system, Stockholm: Nordstedts Juridik
AB, s. 466–489.

Oberthür, S., & Dupont, C. (2021). The European Union’s international climate leadership: Towards a grand climate
strategy? Journal of European Public Policy, https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2021.1918218

Ostrom, E. (2014). A polycentric approach for coping with climate change. Annals of Economics and Finance, 15(1):

Paterson, M. and Stripple, J. (2010). My Space: Governing individuals' carbon emissions. Environment and Planning
D, 28: 341–362.

Porter, M.E. and van der Linde, C. (1995). Green and Competitive: Ending the Stalemate. Harvard Business Review,
73(5): 120–134.

Pralle, S.B. (2009). Agenda-setting and climate change. In: Climate Policy and Political Strategy, Special Issue of
Environmental Politics, 18(5): 781–799.

Raven, P. G. (2017). Telling tomorrows: Science fiction as an energy futures research tool. Energy Research &
Social Science, 31, 164–169.

Raworth, K. (2012). A Safe and Just Operating Space for Humanity: Can we live within the doughnut? Oxfam Policy
and Practice: Climate Change and Resilience, 8(1): 1-26.

Rockström, J., Steffen, W., Noone, K., et al. (2009). Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for
Humanity. Ecology and Society, 14(2): 32. Available for download at:

Rockström, J., Gaffney, O., Rogelj, J., et al. (2017). A roadmap for rapid decarbonization. Science, 355(6331):1269–

Schneider-Mayerson, Matthew (2018). The Influence of Climate Fiction: An Empirical Survey of Readers.
Environmental Humanities, 10(2): 473–500.

Shaw, K. (2011). Climate deadlocks: The environmental politics of energy systems. Environmental Politics, 20(5):

Schreurs, M. (2016). The Paris Climate Agreement and the Three Largest Emitters: China, the United States, and the
European Union. Politics and Governance, 4(3): 219–223. – Ingår I Special Issue on Climate Governance and
the Paris Agreement in the open access journal Politics and Governance (Vol 4, No 3); rekommenderas!

Skovgaard, J. (2014). EU climate policy after the crisis. Environmental Politics, 23(1): 1–17.

Steffen, W., Rockström, J., Richardson, K., et al. (2018). Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(33): 8252–8259. Available for download
at: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1810141115

Storbjörk, S. and Uggla, Y. (2015). The practice of settling and enacting strategic guidelines for climate adaptation in
spatial planning: Lessons from ten Swedish municipalities. Regional Environmental Change, 15(6): 1133–1143.

Söderholm, P. (2012). Ett mål flera medel: Styrmedelskombinationer i klimatpolitiken. Naturvårdsverkets Rapport
6491, April 2012. https://naturvardsverket.se/Documents/publikationer6400/978-91-620-6491…

UNEP (2020). Emissions Gap Report 2020. Nairobi: UN Environmental Programme.

Voytenko Palgan, Y., McCormick, K. and Evans, J. (2018). Urban Living Labs. In: S. Marvin, H. Bulkeley, L. Mai,
K. McCormick and Y. Voytenko Palgan (eds.), Urban Living Labs: Experimenting with City Futures, Abingdon,
Oxon: Routledge, pp. 21–36 (chapter 2). (Available as e-book with unlimited access in LUBSearch)

Westerlund, S. (2003). Miljörättsliga grundfrågor 2.0. Kap. 4: Styrmedel och styrsystem, s. 40–70. Uppsala: Åmyra

Zelli, F. and van Asselt, H. (2013). The institutional fragmentation of global environmental governance. Global
Environmental Politics, 13(3): 1–13.