March 5th 2020
From the management
Congratulations to Edith Hammer at CEC and the Department of Biology, who has been appointed Future Research Leader of the Foundation for Strategic Research. She is one of twenty researchers who receive 12 million SEK from the foundation for five years to work on a research project.
There will be two CEC Staff days this semester open for CEC employees, PhD students in Environmental Science and teachers and researchers of the CEC collegium. We hope you will be able to participate on both occasions:
- April 23. The CEC spring conference Science says! Mobilizing the knowledge of our time: The IPCC and IPBES reports. Please read more here and register before March 31. The BECC and MERGE spring meeting continues on April 24.
- May 19. A Workshop on Stress management. At 10:00 to 15:00, place to be announced. A measure following up on the CEC work environment survey from 2019. The workshop will be held by Katarina Billing from INDEA, and will include both a lecture and exercises, reflection and conversation in groups. More information will come.
This week the Management group discussed Climate-KIC@LU with the Director and staff of the KIC. CEC and the KIC both can see a potential for more engagement in projects and education from CEC staff, and support can be given by Lina Röjnert and Olof Blomqvist.
Yann Clough has been appointed a mission to look into the long term locality needs of CEC. A working group with representatives amongst teachers, researchers, Postdocs, PhD students, under graduate students and administration will be assigned, and a start-up meeting be held next week. The purpose is to collate facts and estimates of future needs regarding CEC’s localities, as a basis to discuss and assess different options for the future with the Faculty, the discussions starting this semester.
Update regarding the coronavirus outbreak with travel information. Lund University is continuously monitoring the situation regarding the coronavirus outbreak. One student at Lund University has been diagnosed with covid-19. This is not a student associated with the educations in Environmental Science or Biology. The same recommendations apply as before.
This website at the LU Staff pages is continuously updated with the latest info. In short:
- If you recently have travelled abroad or are planning to travel abroad, private or business, do contact your line manager (at CEC they are Katarina Hedlund, Yann Clough, Henrik Smith or Karin Hofvendahl) ASAP.
- All business travels have to be approved in advance, and can be cancelled due to changed conditions.
- If you have recently visited parts of the world that UD has advised against travelling to due to the coronavirus you are to work from home for a two-week period after arriving back in Sweden, but this could also be the case if you have visited other parts of the world.
- If you are hosting a visitor from abroad, do contact your line manager ASAP. All planned visits of collaboration partners/guests from parts of the world that UD has advised against travelling to due to the coronavirus are to be cancelled until further notice, but also visits could be cancelled.
- If you have any questions or concerns please contact your line manager, supervisor or host.
Next week we warmly welcome Malin Sjöberg as new communicator at CEC. Malin will for half a year help us customising our websites in accordance with new legislation on accessibility of websites of public authorities. She will work half time and share office with Marianne Hall and Cheryl Sjöström.
We are happy to announce that Henni Ylänne will stay at CEC for some more time, to work on her project “The effect of reindeer herding on the carbon balance of subarctic wetland”.
CECs HR administrator Irene Bergstrand will be on leave from next week until the end of May. During that period most of CECs HR matters will be handled by the Faculty of Science. Contact person is My Geborek, who can be found in Irene’s office at CEC every Wednesday afternoon, and else she could she be reached by phone 24853 or mail. However, employment and time reports of field workers and other persons using time reports are handled by Lena Söderberg.
New offices: Milda Puciate is now sharing office with Martijn van Praagh in floor 2, and Cheryl Sjöström is sharing office with Marianne Hall on floor 3.
For an updated list of events see the CEC calendar (English version). Below the most relevant events during the coming two weeks.
CECs Friday breakfast fika is served from 9:30 to 10:15 in the CEC lunch room and most Fridays a presentation starts at 10:15. Tomorrow March 6 there is no seminar. Next Friday on March 13 Stefan Zamudio and Ullrika Sahlin will present ForskarFredag – a part of the European Researchers Night. “Researchers are ordinary people with extraordinary jobs”.
On March 11 at 13:30 Martijn van Praagh will give his docent lecture in Environmental Science on The natural scientist’s dilemma: risk perception in environmental risk assessments in the Red Room in the Ecology building.
On March 12 from 9 to 12 there is a course in how to do a risk-assessment in KLARA given by Helene Bracht Jørgensen at the Biology Department. KLARA is our chemical database and even a place where you should do risk-assessments as soon as you handle any kind of chemicals – also kits used in DNA analysis. So in this course Helene will show how it works and what you have to do. The course is primarily for student supervisors and PhD students working in labs. Please sign up by contacting Helene.
On March 12 there is also a LUCSUS seminar on Do we need to reframe our understanding of environmental communication? Seminar room 117 in Wrangel, Biskopsgatan 5, Lund, at 10:15-11:15.
On March 23-25 there is a PhD course on Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods in ecology and conservation given by the ClimBEco & GENECO graduate research schools. Read more and register here. Note that the lectures are open for everyone.
On March 23-26 PhD students, postdocs and researchers are welcome to attend a Neutron Imaging doctoral school organized by LINXS. Read more and register here.
Save the date and register:
Reminder: Today is the last day to apply for the PhD graduate school ClimBEco 2020-2022.
The CEC spring conference: Science says! Mobilizing the knowledge of our time: The IPCC and IPBES reports, 23-24 of April, register before March 31. CEC affiliates and employees are invited to most of the activities on the 23rd. The activities open to you appear automatically when you choose what group you identify yourself with in the registration form. The BECC/MERGE yearly spring meeting is part of the conference and continues on April 24, hence as a BECC/MERGE researcher please choose one of these groups when you register.
This year’s CEC PhD students spring meeting will take place in Lund on May 14 to 15. In a two-day event format, CEC PhD students will present their current work via oral and poster presentations. It will be an event open for anyone to attend, but registration is required. It is an excellent opportunity to get to know on-going research at CEC, and an excellent arena to get friendly feedback from other researchers and students at CEC.
The Biology in Lund Annual Meeting, BLAM 2020, takes place on April 16-17. Please register before March 9 and read more here.
CEC in media
Below you can find an example. You can find the total coverage here, but only in Swedish. To read the full newspaper articles for free, search in the Media Archive available via the LU Library portal here.
Markku Rummukainen was interviewed in Sveriges Natur about the unusual mild winter in Sweden.
Good to know
Please don’t forget to check your physical mail box from time to time. You are responsible for taking care of what is sent to you. For example some companies still send bills on paper.
LU has a new franking system from the 1st of January. Envelopes with old barcodes can no longer be used. You will find newly printed envelopes in the storage room for office supplies. Old envelopes should be discarded (alternatively used with stamps).
A coordinator of research and innovation activities is now needed to the Marine Center in Simrishamn, where LU and the municipality of Simrishamn is carrying out research, development and more. Read more here (in Swedish).
LU news
If you are recently employed, please remember to sign up for the LU Welcome Day in Kompetensportalen. The Welcome Day is held in English on 25 March (last day for registration: 17 March). You find a link to Kompetensportalen here.
DMPRoadmap - LU´s new system for data management plans (DMP). The system aims to support researchers who receive or have received project funding from the Swedish Research Council (VR), or from other funders that demand the establishing of a DMP. A DMP is a document that provides a framework for how the research material is collected, handled, organized, stored and made available during the research process and how it should be preserved. Support for researchers on data management plans is provided by the respective libraries.
Change of service provider mobile telephony. At 02:00 on 29 March, the University will change its service provider for stationary and mobile telephony. If you only have a stationary phone on your desk, you will not notice any difference. However, for all those with a University subscription for some form of mobile telephony (including data SIM cards and mobile broadband), it will entail some changes.
In connection with the change of telephony service provider, you will need to change your SIM card. More information on how you will receive a new one will be available via the LDC web page. The change of provider will mean an increase in the volume of data (“surf”) included in the subscription: 1 GB and 5 GB data traffic will be replaced by 3 GB and 10 GB respectively. Mobile broadband that has not been used for 12 months will be shut down in connection with the change of provider. More and updated information will be available on the LDC web page (in Swedish)
Pictures and videos during your time at CEC – GDPR
During your time at CEC there will be pictures taken and videos shot at staff meetings etc. If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) or stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se). See more information about data protection at Lund University.
About the newsletter
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent out on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to Karin Hofvendahl, no later than Tuesday the same week.