29 October 2021
It was wonderful to see so many CEC’ers at the IRL fika in the kitchen today! Now we can finally resume our tradition with live management info, good coffee, and good conversations. Since we no longer have any restrictions regarding number of persons in the kitchen (see more below), we will from now on have the management info with the fika in place in the kitchen, with hybrid opportunity for those who participate at a distance.
Covid update – regulations from 1 November
From Monday next week 1 November, you are all welcome back to the office to the extent you like, and you and your line manager have agreed upon. There are no more restrictions regarding number of persons in each office, meeting room or lunchroom– all seats can be used.
There are still general recommendations from the Swedish authorities in place:
- stay home when you are ill
- in some cases, you should also get tested, i.e., if you have been abroad
- if you are not fully vaccinated, there are special advice
- there are still restrictions regarding travelling
The pandemic is not over, so the recommendations could change. Read more and stay updated on the links below:
Current rules and recommendations - krisinformation.se
Coronavirus information regarding staff/PhD doctoral students – staff.lu.se
Management info
When returning to the office, please, don’t forget to return your screen and chair, there are no spare ones.
The administrative staff will continue to partly work from home (up to 2 days a week), but you can always get in touch via Teams or e-mail. You can find information about who is in the office outside each person’s office and soon on a whiteboard in the admin corridor.
Next week there is a school holiday, and thus less staffing in the administration and in general. There will be fika but no seminar next week.
The next newsletter will be sent out on 18 November.
Finally, we ask you to save the date for the CEC Christmas Dinner in the evening of 14 December. More information will come. If you have ideas and would like to participate in planning some fun activity during the dinner, you are most welcome to contact Camilla King camilla [dot] king [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (camilla[dot]king[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Presentations of PhD students’ research projects
Did you miss the presentations of the CEC PhD students’ research projects during their recent conference? Now you have the chance to see the interesting presentations collected in LU Box (log in with your LUCAT id):https://lu.box.com/s/qfy5ulqfeuweaj8j92cclxhtct2aby8f
The material will be available until 19 November.
NMT Days at Lund University – Register by 15 November
Register your lecture here no later than 15 November:
Please remember to briefly describe your lecture. Most of the lectures are held in Swedish, that’s why the registration form is in Swedish.
About the NMT Days
During the NMT Days we open Lund University’s northern campus area and offer upper secondary school students the opportunity to attend popular science lectures in science, technology and health care. The event is very popular and is attended by an average of 6,000 pupils from over 80 schools. www.nmt.lu.se
Wednesday, 3 November LU Land breakfast seminar “Financing of nature conservation measures - is skewed distribution a problem?”
More information and save this event to your calendar – cec.se
Friday, 5 November Breakfast in the lunchroom from 9:30, no seminar.
Wednesday, 10 November ICOS Cities Talks “City emission inventories – state of the art and challenges”
ICOS Cites Talks Information and registration – icos-cp.eu
Friday, 12 November – Management information and Friday Breakfast Talk.
9:30 - Breakfast in the lunchroom on level 3.
10:15 - Management information, followed by Friday Breakfast talk by Martijn van Praagh “Environmental forensics at CEC – a hot topic and a new course for practitioners”. Management information and Friday talk is planned to be held IRL in the lunchroom on level 3, with options to join online.
Friday, 12 November at 15:15 Maria Blasi i Romero will be nailing her thesis “Wild bees in agricultural landscapes: Modelling land use and climate effects across space and time” to the CEC birch on the 3rd floor. Maria will defend her doctoral thesis on 26 November.
Nailing of doctoral dissertation in Environmental Science: Maria Blasi i Romero | Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) (lu.se)
Monday, 15 November: SRA workshop series: SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy: The goal is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all by 2030
SRA workshops series
Monday, 15 November Facebook Live – After the Glasgow Summit COP26, what happens now? Markku Rummukainen, Kimberly Nicolas and Roger Hildingsson answers questions 12-12.30, live from Lund University on Facebook.
Thursday, 18 November and Friday, 19 November: BECC Annual Meeting
BECC Annual Meeting: Ecosystem based climate mitigation and adaptation
ICOS Nordic Symposium 2021: Registration is now open
The 3rd ICOS Nordic Symposium is now welcoming registrations. The online symposium, organised on 23–25 November 2021, aims to foster the discussion on sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in Nordic countries, to stimulate interactions between research communities and between researchers and stakeholders. The ICOS Nordic Symposium is a joint event of the Nordic ICOS RI national networks: ICOS Denmark, ICOS Finland, ICOS Norway and ICOS Sweden.
Register here before 19 November
Take the opportunity to see ESS from the inside!
In January we will arrange a study visit to the European Spallation Source located in Brunnshög. If you are interested to join, please send an email to Rebecca Malmström before 12 November rebecca [dot] malmstrom [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (rebecca[dot]malmstrom[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Pictures and videos during your time at CEC – GDPR
During your time at CEC there will be pictures taken and videos shot at staff meetings etc. If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) orstina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Information about data protection at Lund University – lu.se
About the newsletter
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent out on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to karin [dot] hofvendahl [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (karin[dot]hofvendahl[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) no later than Tuesday the same week.