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26 August 2021

Information from Management

Welcome back to a new semester! Hopefully you’ve had a good summer and some time for relaxing. We are now looking forward to continuing working together in education, research, cooperation and supporting tasks in the field of Environmental and climate science!

Next week we warmly welcome Professor Nina Buchmann as a guest researcher at CEC, Natascha Kljun being her host. Nina is the Head of the Department of Environmental Systems Science at the ETH Zurich in Switzerland, and national the focal point of ICOS Switzerland. She will stay at CEC until the end of October.

Nina will also be the first speaker at the CEC Research Seminar Series on 6 October. The Seminars will be given once a month, on the first Wednesday of the month at 15:00. More info at the link below.
The Seminar’s Calendar Event

John Falk, doctoral student at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Science and the Department of Physics, will defend his thesis 'Ice out of Fire - Ice and cloud condensation nucleation of aerosol particles emitted from controlled soot generation and combustion of renewable fuels at 13:15 on 24 September 2021. John's nailing has been scheduled for 31 August, more information on the time and how to participate via zoom will be sent out in a separate email shortly.

Covid-19 update

Although the situation with Covid-19 has improved in Sweden since last spring, we still have a pandemic to deal with. Below we give a short version of the regulations that apply at CEC this autumn. Please make sure that you read the more detailed information that was send out yesterday in a separate mail to all staff at CEC.

All dates given below are of subject to change, but this is the plan based on the information we have now.

Until 15 September: Work from home, like before.
All employees who do not need to be at the workplace are to work from home. You have to get permission from your line manager for each time you need to access Campus, including office, lab or field studies. There are some exceptions for educational activities, and those affected will be informed separately.

From 16 September until 31 October: A gradual and orderly return to office-based work
This means that the main rule is that you are to work from the office, provided that the regulations below can be followed. You could agree upon a different extent of office-based work with your line manager.

When working from the office, the regulations below are to be followed! The regulations apply to everyone, whether you are vaccinated or not, and whether you have had covid or not. Everyone is also obliged to follow The Public Health Agency of Sweden, FHM's recommendations, and stay at home if you experience symptoms that may indicate Covid-19.

  • You are to keep a distance of one meter to other people in all directions.
  • There are general guidelines for the maximum number of people who may work in an office at the same time, with maximum one person at the time in the small offices. If you share an office, you must agree on a schedule. If it overlaps, contact your line manager. There are are a few flexible seats available, booked through your line manager. For more details, see separate mail.
  • In meeting rooms, the minimized Covid-number of seats specified in TimeEdit and on the door applies and chairs must be placed in every other place. Larger, or longer, meetings are still to be held digitally.
  • In common areas such as lunchrooms: sit in every other place. Spread out the times for coffee and lunch so that not everyone is there at the same time.
  • For lab or field work contact your line manager.

If you have questions or concerns, contact your line manager.
The University’s handling of the corona virus –

New post doc and PhD student positions for sustainable development

On 30 August all new post doc and PhD student positions within the new interdisciplinary research programme focusing on the 2030 Agenda and sustainable development will be announced. Henrik Smith is the principal applicant for one of the three research projects which received funds and will engage new post docs. The new PhD students will be enrolled with the Agenda 2030 Graduate School.
News article on the three research projects within the programme -
Webpage for all announced post doc and PhD student positions –


We warmly welcome Andrea Hjärne as an adjuct lecturer in Environmental Science CEC. Andrea is working as an environmental lawyer at Avfall Sverige (the Swedish Waste Management Association), and will be teaching in Environmental Health Science.

And we are happy that Lisa Lorenzi Wall will stay at CEC for one more year as a project assistant, continuing working with Johanna Alkan Olsson and Helena Hansson.

Sandra Lindström has left CEC and is now working at the Swedish Board of Agriculture. We wish her the best of luck.

Carl Sjökvist (Calle) is retiring, and we’re hold a small event to say thank you and farewell on Tuesday, 31 August, please see the attached information. Due to the Covid restrictions, the event is divided into different time slots and CEC will be able to participate at 14.20. It will take place in the foyer of the Ecology Building and coffee and cake will be offered. Please make sure that you have your line managers approval to be at the office before you attend. 

Henrik Wendel is replacing Carl and is already in place, he can be found in the same office as Carl.
Contact Henrik Wendel –

We’re hiring, please spread the word!

Doctoral student in Environmental Science- project “Circular Mass Management”
Apply by 5 September on –


Friday Breakfast Talk

Friday, 27 August @ 10:15 – Liam Kendall presents Bees, blueberries, and everything in-between.

Register for the PhD Conference on Sustainable Development
Registration is now open for the PhD Conference on Sustainable Development which is held 30 Sep - 1 Oct. All interested are welcome to register as audience. Priority will be given to PhD students at Lund University. Register no later than 15 September.
Conference submissions can be submitted no later than 1 September.

Registration and submissions for PhD Conference –
About the PhD conference –

CEC PhD Symposium
The yearly PhD symposium is planned to be held as a hybrid meeting on the 21 and 22 October at Mötesplats Borstahusen with possibility to join by link. PhD students can now sign up through the invitation you received per e-mail. Supervisors and other staff, please save the date and join to listen to, and discuss, the latest PhD research at CEC. A formal invitation and programme will be sent out shortly. For questions, contact pedro [dot] rosero [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (pedro[dot]rosero[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se), josefin [dot] winberg [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (josefin[dot]winberg[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se) or johan [dot] kjellberg_jensen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (johan[dot]kjellberg_jensen[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)

The SRA workshop series on the SDG's and a PhD course
The Strategic Research Areas workshop series on the Sustainable Development Goals will continue with three workshops during the autumn (October 26, November 10 and November 25). The focus of the autumn workshops are Policy and international research development, and Proposal writing. The goal with the workshops is to increase capacity for sustainability work, exchange experiences and strengthen the collaboration between different research areas. All researchers, PhD students and research coordinators at the University are welcome to participate. During autumn, the PhD course “Sustainability impacts and Societal Relevance in Research Proposals” linked to the theme “proposal writing” is also offered.
Read more about the workshop series and the PhD course at

Do you want to share your research via a sound bench?
The Sound Environment Centre at Lund University invites you to join in when they will develop new productions for their sound bench based on research from Lund University. The productions can be more artistic or more based on facts. The bench will be placed outside of Skissernas Museum in Lund. Interested in collaborating on a sound bench project? Please contact Emilie Stroh, emilie [dot] stroh [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (emilie[dot]stroh[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se).
About the sound bench -

Webinar series arranged by Bayes@Lund
The topics are related to Bayesian methods in research. The first talk is 15 September at 17:00 by Matthew Kay, Assistant professor Computer Science and Communication Studies Northwester University. He will talk about Uncertainty visualization with tidybayes and ggdist. Abstract: When communicating statistical results, we must consider carefully how to communicate uncertainty in ways that people can actually use to make informed decisions. I will describe some useful strategies, tools, and techniques for doing so, based on my (and others’) research and my own practice. I will also showcase recent updates to the tidybayes and ggdist R packages designed to make it easy to quickly create a variety of custom uncertainty visualizations from Bayesian models.
Sign up for the talk on SkåneR meetup page

Considering applying for Horizon Europe?
CEC, CEC Fellows, BECC, MERGE and LU Land provides support in the planning and application phase. An overview of the support is available on a new page under staff pagesApplying for funding –

CEC in the media

Comments on the latest climate report from IPCC
Climate change is “unparalleled” and the extreme weather is getting worse and more common. As Sweden’s representative in the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC,  Markku Rummukainen gave many comments on the latest IPCC climate report launched on 9 August.Video feature by SVT Nyheter –
Article and press conference via Dagens Nyheter -
Article in Dagens Nyheter –
Article in Göteborgs-Posten –
Article in Forskning & Framsteg –
Article and video feature in Expressen –
Radio feature in Swedish Radio P4 Malmöhus –
Radio feature in Swedish Radio P4 Kristianstad –
Article in Bohusläningen –
Article on Lund University’s webpage –
More about the report on webpage of IPCC –

Article series on “What must happen for us to act for the climate?”
During the year several of our researchers have contributed with their thoughts on how we need to act for the climate in a series of debate articles in Aftonbladet.
All debate articles in the climate series “Emergency” –

Extreme weather events can be linked to climate change
Many regions in the world struggled with extreme weather events this summer. Markku Rummukainen was interviewed by several media on the extreme weather’s linkage with climate change.
Article in Svenska Dagbladet –
Video feature by Expressen –
Radio feature in Swedish Radio P4 Kristianstad –
Article on

How is Skåne affected by climate change?
The temperature in Skåne is rising almost twice as fast as the global average. The researchers at Hyltemossa Research Station are interviewed on how the region of Skåne can be affected by the climate changes.
Article in Sydsvenskan –

Soil research contributes to solutions for climate
Edith Hammer, Milda Pucetaite and their fellow researchers increase the understanding of the soil's carbon dioxide uptake using microchips.
Article in the Conversation –
Article on webpage of the Biology department (in Swedish) –
Article in Epoch Times –
Article in Framtidens Forskning –
Article in Skånska Dagbladet –
Article on
Article on

Researchers want reports of dead hedgehogs in Lund
Maria Hansson and her fellow researchers want people in Lund to report if they find a dead hedgehog. The researchers will study which environmental toxins the hedgehogs are exposed to and how they affect the animals. People in the cities can be assumed to be exposed to the same toxins.Video feature in SVT Nyheter Skåne –
Radio feature in P4 Malmöhus –
Article in Sydsvenskan –
Article in Skånska Dagbladet –

Stop clearing weeds – could save the bees
Anna Persson, Sandra Lindström and several BECC-affiliated researchers urge private persons, farmers, municipalities and authorities to stop clear the weeds where possible and increase the incentives for more biodiversity in cities and along roads – to save the wild bees.
Debate article in Aftonbladet –

Urban gardens are important for biodiversity
If they are managed properly and not too small urban gardens can contribute to biodiversity. Helena Hanson argues that gardens should therefore play a bigger role in urban planning.
Article in InfoExpress –

Plastic fibers common in marine mammals
Maria Hansson is part of a research project investigating the amount of plastic in the bodies of seals and porpoises, to see how the animals are affected. Their research now shows that plastic fibres is the dominating microplastic.
Article in Ystads Allehanda –

Fewer natural pastures gives less food to pollinators
Romain Carrié and Julia Weber from the Biology department are interviewed on the research project which investigates alternative food options for the pollinators.
Video feature by SVT Nyheter Helsingborg –

Warmer temperatures increase need for cool solutions
Johanna Alkan Olsson shares tips from Southern Europe on how to cope with a warmer climate.
Radio feature in P4 Uppland –

Bumble bee dog Ylle gets additional attention
PhD student Sofia Blomqvist and her dog Ylle are featured in a German news article on how Ylle is taught to find bumble bee nests for research.
Article on

Pictures and videos during your time at CEC – GDPR
During your time at CEC there will be pictures taken and videos shot at staff meetings etc. If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) orstina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Information about data protection at Lund University

About the newsletter
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent out on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to karin [dot] hofvendahl [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (karin[dot]hofvendahl[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) no later than Tuesday the same week.