20 May 2021
From the Management
This week the management group continued the work regarding the assignment from the Faculty, that will be presented on the Friday Fika on 11 June. There were also preparations for the yearly dialogues with the Faculty, that are due in September.
Covid-19 update
The vice-chancellor of Lund University has taken a new decision on Covid regulations. In short, the same regulations continue to apply until further notice. That means that all activities that do not require physical presence on the University's premises are to be carried out digitally, and that you need permission from your line manager before visiting the office or do field work, both based on a risk analysis.
Planning of teaching and assessment of students’ performance (examination) for the 2021 autumn semester should be based on teaching and assessment being conducted both on University premises and digitally.
For activities besides education, the University will adapt its decision as soon as possible with reference to regulations and recommendations from the public authorities responsible and the current rate of infection.
The University has also decided that all employees of Lund University who choose to get vaccinated against Covid-19 are entitled to do so during paid working hours. However, employees are primarily to arrange appointments for vaccination outside working hours. For questions or concerns, please contact your line manager.More information on LU Staff pages – staff.lu.se
Project funding for researchers - deadline 31 May 2021
CEC announces funding for one doctoral studentship, where the doctoral student is admitted to the PhD programme in Environmental Science and is enrolled in the Agenda 2030 graduate school. It is required that the supervisors of the doctoral student should come frodifferent disciplines. The main supervisor must be employed at the Facultyof Science and be a “docent” or equivalent. The doctoral student will be employed and have their main workplace at the main supervisor’s department. The Agenda 2030 graduate school will account for a sum equivalent to one PhD position for 4 years. Please find more information on the link below. Last day to submit is 31 May 2021. Note: It is the researcher who apply for this funding, not the student.
Project funding for researchers to apply for a doctoral studentship in Environmental Science within the Agenda 2030 graduate school | Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) - lu.se
Health and Safety representatives
Nominations are now closed, and a formal summon for the election that will be held on Friday, 4 June will be sent out this week.
CEC as a workplace
Karin Hofvendahl’s presentation from last week’s Friday Talk on CEC as a work place is attached. The presentation covered localities and work environment as well as results from the staff days held in November 2020 and most recently in April 2021.
CEC as a workplace (PDF, 5.6M, new tab)
Doing fieldwork this summer? Contact Anna Maria and let her know.
Will you do any fieldwork this summer and are you interested in media outreach about it? Please send an email to anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) with brief information about:
- When are you going to do your fieldwork?
- Where is it taking place?
- What are you going to investigate/which research project is your fieldwork related to?
We’re hiring, please spread the word
Post-doctoral fellow: Uncertainty analysis in chemical safety assessment - varbi.com
On Monday, 7 June we warmly welcome Madelene Johnn to CEC. Madelene will work as substitute HR administrator for Irene Bergstrand who will be working part time from 1 June and then be on leave of absence from mid-July for one year.
CEC Calendar (in English) – cec.lu.se/calendar
CEC Friday Breakfast Talks
Friday, 21 May 2021 @ 10:15 – Management information and online mingle
Friday, 28 May 2021 @ 10:15 – Friday talk by Hakim Abdi
Friday, 4 May 2021 @ 10:15 – Yann Clough will present results from the work environment survey 2021 and preside over the election for our new Health and Safety Representatives.
Monday, 31 May 2021 – SRA workshop series: Future-oriented methodologies with focus on artificial intelligence (AI) related to SDG's.
Read more and register - sustainability.lu.se
Tuesday, 1 June 2021 – Explain your research better. #ForskarGrandPrix invites you to a webinar for researchers who want to explain their research in a simple and engaging way. In English and Swedish. More information is in the attached invitation. Contact Stefan Zamudio to register. stefan [dot] zamudio [at] vattenhallen [dot] lu [dot] se (stefan[dot]zamudio[at]vattenhallen[dot]lu[dot]se)
About Forskar Grand Prix – forskargrandprix.se
Inbjudan Forskar Grand Prix (PDF 106K, new tab)
Wednesday, 2 June 2021 @ 8:30 to 9:30 - LU Land Breakfast seminar #8. Recreation and sustainable land use - how can we reconcile these aims?
LU Land Breakfast seminar #8 Registration - cec.se
Thursday, 10 June 2021 - SRA workshop series: How to use modelling as decision support.
Read more and register – sustainability.lu.se
Wednesday, 16 June 2021 – ERC Synergy Grant Information Session. An invitation to an Information Session for ERC Synergy Grants hosted by Research Services and consultations with Yellow Research, a consultancy firm with extensive experience in supporting ERC proposals.
Register for the information session and/or consultations - sunet.artologik.net
14-16 June - PhD workshop on “Healthy diets and sustainable food systems”
The Agenda 2030 Graduate School arranges an online workshop on healthy diets, food systems and sustainability in cooperation with EUGLOH - European University Alliance for GLObal Health, a collaboration project between Lund University, Université Paris-Saclay (France), University of Szeged (Hungary), University of Porto (Portugal) and LMU – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany). PhD students enrolled at any of the EUGLOH universities are welcome to register.Information and how to register for EUGLOH workshop – eughloh.eu
New PhD courses focused on the Sustainable Development Goals
There’s still time to register for some of the Agenda 2030 Graduate School’s spring PhD courses focused on a wide range of topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals. The faculties have also announced new courses for the autumn. The courses are open to all PhD students at the university (and others if seats are available).
Information and updates on course page of Agenda 2030 Graduate School – sustainability.lu.se
Ideas on topics to discuss during the Future Week and other events?
Do you have ideas on topics to discuss and guests to invite to the Lund University Future Week in October? The Future Week is held 18-24 October and this year’s theme is “Breakthroughs”.
About the Future Week at Lund University – staff.lu.se
You are always most welcome to send wishes for event topics and speakers to invite to CEC. We need your continuous input to create topical events adapted to the current wishes and needs among the staff and society in general.Contact anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) or stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) with continuous event ideas and suggestions.
CEC in the Media
Fewer farmers switch to organic farming
Decreased harvests, lack of manure, saturated market and stingy consumers are seen as probable causes for why fewer farmers switch to organic farming, despite considerable state support for increased organic farming. Henrik Smith is interviewed on the large ongoing research project focused on organic farming in Sweden.
Articles in
Lantbrukets Affärstidning, ATL – atl.nu
Svenska Dagbladet – svd.se
Sydsvenskan – sydsvenskan.se
Skånska Dagbladet – skd.se
and Sydöstran, Nordvästra Skånes Tidningar, Nya Wermlands-Tidningen, Mariestads-Tidningen, Södermanlands Nyheter, Ljusdals-posten, Länstidningen Östersund (in print)
Ylle is trained to look for bumblebee nests
PhD student Sofia Blomqvist is training her dog Ylle to look for bumblebee nests since these are difficult to find. Sofia investigates how the bumblebees are affected by exhaust fumes at roadsides and would like help with observations of bumblebee nests.
Share your bumblebee nest findings with sofia [dot] blomqvist [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (sofia[dot]blomqvist[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se) and send some short info on where the nest was found.
Articles, radio and video features on
Lund University’s YouTube channel – youtube.com
Sydsvenskan – sydsvenskan.se
Svenska Dagbladet – svd.se
Aftonbladet – aftonbladet.se
Kvällsposten – expressen.se
Vasabladet – vasabladet.fi
Skånska Dagbladet – skd.se
Hallandsposten – hallandsposten.se
Sydöstran – sydostran.se
Norra Skåne – nsk.se
Folkbladet – folkbladet.nu
Borås Tidning – bt.se
P4 Blekinge – sverigesradio.se
Morgon i P4 Blekinge – allears.ai
P4 Gävleborg – allears.ai
P4 Värmland – allears.ai
and Dagens Nyheter (in print).
Larger green urban areas would benefit both the people and biodiversity
Anna Persson contributes with a piece in Kristianstadsbladet in which she requests larger green spaces in urban areas to benefit species diversity and ecosystem services.
Article in Kristianstadsbladet – kristianstadsbladet.se
More bumblebee reporting
Anna Persson was also interviewed about the research project to which observations of the spring’s first bumblebee queens can be reported. Selection of radio features:
Radio feature in Vetenskapsradion Nyheter – sverigesradio.se
Radio feature in P4 Östergötland – allears.ai
Radio feature in P4 Södertälje – allears.ai
Radio feature in P4 Sjuhärad – allears.ai
Radio feature in P4 Halland – allears.ai
Radio feature in P4 Kalmar – allears.ai
About the research project – cec.lu.se/sv
Sparse sowing yields vital pollinators - and an equally large harvest
It is possible to benefit weeds and pollinating insects in a cereal field - and still get an equally large harvest. The secret is fewer seeds and more sparsity between plants, according to new research by William Sidemo‐Holm, Romain Carrié, Johan Ekroos, Sandra Lindström and Henrik Smith.
Article on forskning.se
Drama in bird houses in Malmö
PhD student Johan K. Jensen is unpleasantly surprised when discovering abandoned eggs in a nest filled with bird fleas, when inventorying bird houses in Pildammsparken in Malmö. Johan investigates how birds are affected by living in urban areas.
Article in Sydsvenskan – sydsvenskan.se
Climate research combined with café business
Adrian Gustafson combines his PhD studies in environmental science with running a summer café in Töreboda. Adrian shares insights in his daily life in Mariestads-Tidningen.
Article on mariestadstidningen.se
More LU News
LU-gemensamt mejlutskick nr 16, vecka 18, 2021 (PDF 253K, new tab)
LU-gemensamt mejlutskick nr 17, vecka 19, 2021 (PDF 286K, new tab)
Pictures and videos during your time at CEC – GDPR
During your time at CEC there will be pictures taken and videos shot at staff meetings etc. If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) orstina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Information about data protection at Lund University
About the newsletter
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent out on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to karin [dot] hofvendahl [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (karin[dot]hofvendahl[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) no later than Tuesday the same week.